
Goals / Plans

Introduction #2
I am now in a grade 12 bible class, and we are doing passion projects again. We had the option of starting a totally different passion project or keep continuing on with the passion project that we did last year in bible class. I decided to continue with photography because I really enjoyed my project last year. Some problems that I had with my last passion project was managing my time. This project I am going to try to work a little on it every week, so that I am not rushing to finish it at the end. Im hoping that this project will turn out as well as the other one! :)

My Plan for Passion Project #2
For this project I am going to focus on learning how to use photoshop, as well as learning some things about my camera again, just because there is still so much I can learn about my camera. I am going to take different kinds of photography like I did last year, but then take the pictures that I took and learn how to make them look even better with photoshop. I will be using my flickr account as well to put my finished pictures on. I may also go to some photography classes, to get some advice on how to improve my photography from someone who really knows what they are doing.Last year I used the internet as a huge resource, and I will probably do that again this year by watching photoshop tutorials on youtube. My friend Taylor Vaags, is doing a project similar to mine, and we will be doing a lot of things together! We will be using each other to talk about what we are learning and try to help each other out. We are also planning to go to a photography class together. If you want to hear more about Taylor's passion project, go check out her blog here:

Goal for Passion Project #2
My goal for this years passion project is to have 15 or more of my photoshop edited pictures on my flickr account. At  the end of the semester I am hoping to have a much better understanding on how to use photoshop, and how to make my pictures look better.

In my bible class, we are doing a project called Passion Projects. My teacher told my class to pick something that we would like to improve on or something that we have always wanted to try. It could be anything that we wanted! We are suppose to work on this project on our own time, throughout the whole semester. In our projects we are suppose to make a personal goal that we want to try to achieve for the end of the semester and a plan to achieve our goal. I decided to do my Passion Project on Photography. I picked photography because I have always enjoyed taking pictures and have always wanted to learn how to take nicer/better pictures. Last year I took a Digital Pictures class and in that class I studied different types of styles of photography. I really enjoyed doing this so I wanted to try to do this for my project.

My Plan
I would like to research/learn about 15 different types of photography. In the class time my teacher is giving my class to work on our passion projects I will be researching tips and styles on photography. I have to take the pictures on my own time. 
I am going to make a Flickr account and post my photos on that account for people to view more of the pictures I am taking. I'm hoping that maybe some people will view my pictures and give me some suggestions on how to improve my photos or give me ideas on what I should take pictures of. 

By the end of the year I want my Flickr account to have 5 of photos of each type of photography style that I tried out. In total I should have 75 photos on my account. By the end of the semester I will know that I finished my passion project successfully if I have learned about 15 different types of photography. 

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